It's not 4.3BSD, but might be worth an honorable mention...

You can get FreeBSD 1.0, (based on 386BSD, based on NET/2), directly from the FreeBSD project:

And then use 86Box ( ) to emulate an early 90's 486 and install it with FreeDOS on one partition, FreeBSD on the other.  There's an /sbin/mount_isofs but I haven't stumbled across a working combination that manages to actually see a cdrom yet. As a work-around I copied everything from the "tarballs" directory onto the freedos partition and then installed them from there.

It would probably work on Virtualbox, but I haven't tried.

Have fun!

On 8/28/2018 6:53 AM, Gilles Gravier wrote:

If I wanted to run 4.3BSD on an x86 box (VirtualBox? QEMM? other emu?)... anybody has suggestions? Where can I find media for 4.3BSD (if any are legitimately accessible)?

Or on a Raspberry Pi? :)



Gilles Gravier  -
GSM : +33618347147 and +41794728437
Skype : ggravier | PGP Key : 0x8DE6D026