On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 1:56 PM, George Michaelson <ggm@algebras.org> wrote:
we call them "busses" because back in the day, real electrical
engineers called any huge solid carrier of signal or power a bus line,
because it looked like the way trolly busses got their power.

THANK YOU! I have wondered about the etymology of the word "bus" in an electrical context for YEARS.

I think daemon/demon came from printers demon, which is carved into
the government printing office in Brisbane. the printers demon is the
one which stuffed up letters in the tray, to make printers tear their
hair out. Did I say tray? I meant case, upper case, the one above,
with the big letters, and lower case, the case with the little
letters. oh dear. really? is that why they are cases?

While this story (and the others I trimmed for brevity) is (are) great, "daemon" is actually from the Greek, I believe: an intermediary between humans (users) and the gods (the kernel).

        - Dan C.