You might find this interesting reading:
In particular inhp4. I used to have a UUCP map that linked me into this network back in the mid 80s. I was based in the UK doing some work for Henry Spencer at Microport Systems if any of you recall their iX286 System V port, which was pretty cool.

Anyway, there are some interesting machine names mentioned.

Subject: Re: IHNP4 
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 90 20:48:42 EDT

> Thus, ihnp4 was Indian Hill Network Processor #4
> mh was Murray Hill. ak was the Atlanta Wire Works, sb was Southern

> Bell, cb was Columbus (Mark Horton was mark@cbosgd for a long time)
> plus others.

Yup, Columbus Operating Systems Group D, as I recall.

> Then there were the machines in the lab that had (and have) names like
> bonnie, clyde, ulysses, research, allegra, lento, harpo, chico,  etc.