Heh. At a previous site around 20 years ago we used initial letters of names generated automatically with a number following so at one point had:

kunt2 Chinese student who didn't raise an issue until 2. 5 years into his course, we changed that one and put in a rude word filter on login checks.

jc8 so the student was nicknamed "digger" who was not happy so we naturally refused to change his login as the name had stuck.

we3 - who was quite proud of that one I was told.

Am sure there were many more.



On 16 Jul 2016 11:56, "Dave Horsfall" <dave@horsfall.org> wrote:
Time to start a new thread :-)

Back when Unix was really Unix and dinosaurs strode the earth, login names
were restricted to just 8 characters, so you had to be inventive when
signing up lots of students every term (ObUS: semester).

A wonderful Japanese girl, Eriko Kinoshita, applied for an account on some
box somewhere.  Did I mention that login names defaulted to the first 8
characters of the surname?

Understandably annoyed, Plan B for assigning logins was applied, which was
the first name followed by the first letter of the surname.


Dave Horsfall DTM (VK2KFU)  "Those who don't understand security will suffer."