[COFF] Happy birthday, Ada Lovelace and JFO!

Dave Horsfall dave at horsfall.org
Tue Dec 10 06:50:38 AEST 2019

Bit hard to classify this one; separate posts since COFF was created?

Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace (and daughter of Lord Byron), was 
born on this day in 1815; arguably the world's first computer programmer and a 
highly independent woman, she saw the potential in Charles Babbage's 
new-fangled invention.

J.F.Ossanna was given unto us on this day in 1928; a prolific programmer, he 
not only had a hand in developing Unix but also gave us the ROFF series.

Who'ld've thought that two computer greats would share the same birthday?

-- Dave

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