[COFF] 21st Century Equivalent to 'learn'?

Andy Kosela akosela at andykosela.com
Fri Mar 6 19:10:36 AEST 2020

"John P. Linderman" <jpl.jpl at gmail.com> wrote:

> Marc Rochkind used to recommend reading the entire UNIX manual each year.
> That was good advice in the late 70's, but it would be hopelessly
> impractical now, quite beyond the lack of a manual to read. There are just
> too many commands and libraries. A valuable service would be to identify
> the most useful tools. Those in the old manuals would be an interesting
> starting point, but I can't remember when I last used "ar" command, which I
> mostly used to pack multiple files into a single one to save inodes and
> wasted file system space, neither of which matter any more. If there were a
> corpus of contemporary shell scripts, identifying the most used commands
> could be interesting. Perl's CPAN (comprehensive perl archive network)
> could be a corpus of scripts from which the most commonly used system calls
> could be extracted.

I compiled such a list a couple of years ago.  Most of those commands
should be available on every major flavor of Unix and I consider them
"the core Unix tools".  This is not a final list, but commands I
personally use most often.  Certainly you can't call yourself a Unix
user if you have never consulted their manuals.

as, at, awk, basename, bc, cal, cat, cc, chmod, chown, cp, cut, date,
dc, dd, df, diff, du, env, expr, false, find, fmt, free, gdb, grep,
gzip, head, hexdump, id, iostat, join, ld, ldd, less, ln, ls, man,
md5sum, mkdir, mkfifo, mv, nice, nl, nohup, od, patch, passwd, paste,
pgrep, pkill, ps, pstree, rev, rm, rmdir, script, sed, seq, sh,
sha256sum, shuf, shutdown, size, sleep, sort, split, stat, strip,
strings, stty, su, sum, sysctl, tac, tar, tail, tee, top, touch, tr,
tree, uname, uniq, uptime, vmstat, w, wc, whatis, whereis, which, who,
whoami, xargs, yes

I specifically excluded all shell builtin commands and core network
related tools like ping(8).

It is interesting to note that still most of them come from the earliest
Unix versions.  It shows the ingenuity and beauty of the original


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