[COFF] Pondering the hosts file

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at sdaoden.eu
Fri Mar 12 07:29:12 AEST 2021

Grant Taylor wrote in
 <80d8f9bc-31d6-6bb8-03e6-ce53cc4a9cdb at spamtrap.tnetconsulting.net>:
 |On 3/11/21 10:29 AM, Steffen Nurpmeso wrote:
 |> Address, "official name", aliases.
 |> And as many as you want i'd say.  It is just that an alias might be 
 |> hidden and never be found (if actually hidden).  This is at least 
 |> how i interpreted it.
 |Please clarify what you mean by "And as many as you want".
 |Do you man as many /aliases/ and / or as many /entries/ (lines) in \
 |the file?

Both.  Here, that is.  The first generated AorAAAA, the latter
were "system alias" names (not even cname or something) which were
search in preference unless the query gave a conf_noaliases flag.
And the reading was just readLine().  And one thing why i loved
C++, writing something like "_line.trim().squeeze().data()" in
C is terrible.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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