[COFF] continue N. (Was: I can't drive 55...)

Steffen Nurpmeso steffen at sdaoden.eu
Sun Mar 12 03:51:02 AEST 2023

Ralph Corderoy wrote in
 <20230311112508.7306220145 at orac.inputplus.co.uk>:
 |Hi Steffen,
 |> Very often i find myself needing a restart necessity, so "continue
 |> N" would that be.  Then again when "N" is a number instead of
 |> a label this is a (let alone maintainance) mess but for shortest
 |> code paths.
 |Do you mean ‘continue’ which re-tests the condition or more like Perl's
 |‘redo’ which re-starts the loop's body?

No Ralph, i unspecifically meant multiple nested loops where some
inner has to restart/continue the outer (at some point).
So a bit like that of "man perlsyn", but with deeper nesting

       If you need both "next" and "last", you have to do both and also use a
       loop label:

           LOOP: {
               do {{
                   next if $x == $y;
                   last LOOP if $x == $y**2;
                   # do something here
               }} until $x++ > $z;

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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