[COFF] SDF Beget's ICM - Interim Computer Museum

Clem Cole clemc at ccc.com
Fri Aug 2 04:09:20 AEST 2024

Please excuse the wide distribution, but I suspect this will have general
interest in all of these communities due to the loss of the LCM+Labs.

The good folks from SDF.org are trying to create the Interim Computer

As Lars pointed out in an earlier message to COFF there is a 1hr
presentation on the plans for the ICM.

FYI: The yearly (Bootstrap) subscription is $36
They need to money to try to keep some of these systems online and
available.  The good news is that it looks like many of the assets, such as
Miss Piggy, the Multics work, the Toads, and others, from the old LCM are
going to be headed to a new home.
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