Latest PDP-11 UNIX email from SCO

Warren Toomey wkt at
Fri Aug 29 11:43:09 AEST 1997

In article by mcjones at
> > Maybe someone else can volunteer, if I organise the contents :-)
> There's one here at my workplace.  I don't know how to use it myself.  
> I could probably get some help in burning one or two, but I don't 
> think it would be appropriate to burn dozens or hundreds.  How many 
> licensees do you anticipate?

There's 300 signatures on the petition. I'd hope that 1/2 of those
will buy licenses, and probably most would like the stuff in easy-to-use

I know that Steven Schultz has access to a writer too (hint hint!).
I will probably buy another hard disk here for the PDP archive, and give
access to license holders.

I'd like to get users to suggest layout changes & what should be exploded
etc. so that we can burn a 650M CD image directly from the archive.

Currently, the archive is sitting at 250M, so there's room to explode
many of the distributions stored there.

We also need to sit down and catalogue this stuff so that it's not
just a collection of random tapes. I'm slowly doing this & have done
the most important stuff, see the Tapes/DETAILS file if you ftp in.
But more work needs to be done.

So hopefully, we can pass the archive (as a Rock Ridge image) to a few
volunteers to burn CD-R copies. Anybody in Europe who would volunteer?

Just an idea!


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