Early file system layouts

Warren Toomey wkt at cs.adfa.edu.au
Tue Apr 18 10:10:41 AEST 2000

In article by norman at nose.cs.utoronto.ca:
> - Second Edition sh(I) (dated 3/15/72):
> 	If the first argument is the name of an executable file,
> 	it is invoked; otherwise the string "/bin/" is prepended
> 	to the argument.  (In this way the standard commands,
> 	which reside in "/bin", are found.)  If the "/bin" file
> 	exists, but is not executable, it is used by the shell
> 	as a command file.
> Notice the odd detail that non-executable files in /bin (early on)
> or /usr/bin (later) get special treatment.  Does this mean that
> shell scripts that weren't in /usr/bin had to be invoked explicitly
> via `sh script' instead of just `script'?

Can't tell, we don't have the source code. In the Nsys kernel (dated
just before the 4th Edition), files must have the execute bit on or
they can't be exec(2)d.


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