[TUHS] Festoon

Dennis Ritchie dmr at plan9.bell-labs.com
Wed Feb 26 15:46:31 AEST 2003

I have the version of festoon, as enhanced by
Nils-Peter Nelson, and as Norman Wilson said, mainly
and originally done by Ron Hardin.  When the
Usenet interchange referred to happened, I asked
Ron whether he wanted to release it, and the
response was

 > fine with me

 > npn's version is at /home/rhh/coma/festoon/fest.c
 > with pics and tbls

 > i've lost the original

Incidentally, Hardin worked for Bell Labs, though
at the Columbus location also occupied by
Western Electric, and until fairly recently was
a consultant for our own and nearby groups.
The first Google pages for "hardin sloane"
yields a bunch of references to his joint
work with the well-known mathematician
N. J. A. Sloane.

Binary, but not source, was with research
8th edition, and may have escaped otherwise.

I'll make the source available to scholars if there's interest.
It even compiles on Plan 9 (with ape).


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