[pups] V6 kernel compile help

filter filter at heavybell.org
Sun Jul 23 07:07:01 AEST 2006

Hi All

I need help with the V6 kernel compilation. I read the Unix setup guide
and the
file /usr/sys/run. I've seen one problem so far with the /usr/sys/run
file. That is
that the two lib files (lib1 & lib2) did not contain any symbols.

When I ran:
# ar r ../lib1
# ar r ../lib2

I got a string of error messages from ld.

But after I did this:
# ar r ../lib1 *.o
# ar r ../lib2 *.o

I have these missing symbols
# ld -x l.o m40.o c.o ../lib1 ../lib2

Can anyone help me with this?
(I saw that MIT athena  has a  V6 repository with a  Makefile in it
But I cannot access it at all. (-_-) )

bent lee

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