[Unix-jun72] C compiler: it works!

Warren Toomey wkt at tuhs.org
Mon May 5 18:02:49 AEST 2008

On Mon, May 05, 2008 at 05:50:17PM +1000, Warren Toomey wrote:
> Um, just an observation: u0.s defines:
> core = orig+40000  / specifies beginning of user's core
> ecore = core+20000 / specifies end of user's core (4096 words)
> so a user program has 020000 bytes of space; but size /usr/lib/c0 gives:
> 023326+03574+06640=035762, and 035762 >> 020000.
> Is the value of ecore arbitrary?

Apparently it is. I just patched u0.s to have ecore = core+35764, and
the C compiler works! i.e. it compiles a trivial C program. Later on
after dinner, I'll try to get the compiler to recompile itself.

We still need to check the effects of ecore = core+35764, just in case.


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