[TUHS] Pre-v6 images and 2.11BSD patches

Peter Jeremy peter at rulingia.com
Sat Dec 12 14:54:16 AEST 2015

Some time ago, someone posted an early Unix image that I recall
running.  I know it was pre-groups but don't recall anything else and
I can't find either the images or mailing list references either
locally or on tuhs.org.  Does anyone recall the details.

Also, I've seen suggestions that there's a 2.11BSD patch later than
447 but I can't find anything "official" and www.2bsd.com is either
down or inaccessible from all the systems I have access to.  Does
anyone know if 448 or later were released?  And given the issues with
www.2bsd.com would someone be willing to mirror it (assuming we can
got a copy of it)?

Peter Jeremy
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