[TUHS] The evolution of Unix facilities and architecture

Steve Johnson scj at yaccman.com
Tue May 16 04:00:36 AEST 2017

Early in the Unix days, a DEC repairperson showed up to do "preventive
maintenance" and managed to clobber the nascent file system.   Turns
out DEC didn't have any permanent file systems on machines that

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nemo" <cym224 at gmail.com>
To:"The Eunuchs Hysterical Society" <tuhs at tuhs.org>
Sent:Sun, 14 May 2017 21:24:25 -0400
Subject:Re: [TUHS] The evolution of Unix facilities and architecture

 On 14 May 2017 at 18:12, Dave Horsfall <dave at horsfall.org> wrote:
 > On Sun, 14 May 2017, Derek Fawcus wrote:
 >> > to see DEC's internal boxes weren't running System/Manager,
 >> > Field/Service and UETP/UETP User/password combinations.
 >> Those default account combinations were still being used to gain
 >> to VMS systems in the '87-'89 time frame; although user/password
 >> less interesting by itself, being an unpriviledged account.
 > Wasn't there also Guest/Guest as well? Admittedly it would also be
 > boring, but nonetheless still a toe-hold.

 I worked in a VAX shop once where a DEC FSE came by (on the wrong day
 with the sysadmin out) and was rather upset that the default account
 passwords had been changed.


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