[TUHS] Old Usenet newsreader source code?

Seth Morabito web at loomcom.com
Wed May 9 03:01:19 AEST 2018

On Tue, May 8, 2018, at 9:53 AM, Arthur Krewat wrote:
> On 5/8/2018 12:25 PM, Seth Morabito wrote:
> > I'm looking especially for nn, which was my go-to at the time. The oldest version I've found so far is nn 6.4, which is too big to compile on a 3B2/400. If I could get my hands on 6.1 or earlier, I think I'd have a good chance.
> >
>  From this: 
> https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:NhNfJ21wtY8J:https://static.loomcom.com/3b2/software/3b2archive/yahozna/misc/unix-c/usenet/000-index.txt+&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&client=firefox-b-1
> I assume that nn 6.4 was indeed able to run on 3B2 but maybe not a model 
> 400?

Well now I have to laugh... loomcom.com is my own server. Apparently I had old versions of trn and nn *right under my own nose*. That just goes to show how badly I need to curate that big dump of 3B2 stuff I've been hoarding.

Thank you for finding that.

(By the way, I reorganized recently. Everything under https://static.loomcom.com/3b2/software moved to https://static.loomcom.com/3b2/software_archive/ so I could build a brand new repository under the 'software' directory.)

  Seth Morabito
  web at loomcom.com

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