[TUHS] History of the UNIX Beard

Tyler Adams coppero1237 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 23:58:04 AEST 2020

I imagine there's relatives like the programmer beard, but googling "UNIX
beard" returns some examples where it seems to be a thing.
" Decoding the “Unix beard” at this year’s DefCon.


On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 3:56 PM Noel Chiappa <jnc at mercury.lcs.mit.edu>

>     > From: Tyler Adams
>     > We all know and love the UNIX beard, but I can't find anything on how
>     > the beards started other than an old photo of Ken and Dennis
> I'm not sure the term is Unix-specific. At a fairly early stage, people who
> worked on the ARPANET/Internet (when PDP-10's were still the 'usual' host,
> and
> Unix systems were just starting to beceome common) were jokingly known as
> 'network grey-beards': the prototypical one being Jon Postel. (Vint Verf's
> beard was too tidy to qualify, IIRC!)
>       Noel
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