[TUHS] bitsavers.org down?

Steve Nickolas usotsuki at buric.co
Sun Jan 19 06:53:07 AEST 2020

On Sat, 18 Jan 2020, Adam Thornton wrote:

> So…that’s not a lot of archive, so I’m guessing that it’s outbound 
> bandwidth that will be the driving cost.  But even that…how popular is 
> it _really_ ?
> It seems like, given the nature of the collection, it might not be hard 
> to persuade one of the cloud providers into discounted rates for 
> hosting, although…it’s so small that that might not work, because that 
> little data, well, you’re not a customer big enough to have a Google or 
> Amazon rep.
> I’ll put out some feelers.  Rough bandwidth data, if we can figure out 
> some way to find it, would be good to have.

What about renting an OVH server and slapping it on that?  I think the 
KimSufi 1 is 500 GB disk space - dunno if that's cheap enough.


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