[TUHS] [TUHS} Qed vs ed

M Douglas McIlroy m.douglas.mcilroy at dartmouth.edu
Mon Feb 1 01:26:22 AEST 2021

I used Ken's qed in pre-Unix days. I understand its big departure from the
original was regular expressions. Unix ed was the same, with
multi-file capability dropped. Evidently the lost function was not much
missed, for it it didn't come back when machines got bigger. I remember
that fairly early in PDP-11 development ed gained three features: & in the
rhs of substitutions plus k and t commands. (I'm not sure about &--that was
50 years ago.).

 With hindsight it's surprising that a "minimalist" design had m but not t,
for m can be built from t but not vice versa. A cheat sheet for multics qed
is at h
It had two commands I don't remember: sort(!) and transform, which I assume
is like y in sed.

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