[TUHS] 32V memory management: not quite V7 style swapping -- source code update

Clem Cole clemc at ccc.com
Mon Jun 7 04:23:49 AEST 2021


You got me thinking and I'm curious if anyone really knows historically how
many sites ran a 32V system?   In those days (late 70s/early 80s) the
universities that knew and and even many sites inside the Bell System, the
Vaxen I ran 4.1BSD (say the Marx's brothers at Whippany along with the Vax
in the underseas research lab were we put the AP I did for my thesis).
There were a couple in Summit I know, and probably Homdel and I'm guessing
in some of the operating companies, but I never got the feeling 32V was
popular.  The folks with Vaxen that I knew, if you were able to run BSD
(4.1 and eventually 4.2), did.  Later on the only non-'pure-joy' systems I
knew were a couple of Ultrix systems because they wanted the support from
DEC and IIRC were using FORTRAN and wanted the DEC compiler which only ran
on Ultrix or VMS.  Inside of AT&T, I personally think I knew more folks
with VMS (Fortran being the key anchor)  than those that ran 32V.
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