[TUHS] Center 127 directory from 6/17/77

Douglas McIlroy douglas.mcilroy at dartmouth.edu
Sat Dec 31 00:43:55 AEST 2022

> James Johnston:

>> Yeah, but Rob, where was Fred?  I was there in Acoustics Research (not
>> 127!) then, using R70 for UCDS.

> Rob Pike:

  > Not in (1)127 yet. He was transferred in some time after I arrived. Not
 >  sure quite when. Mid-80s maybe.

> =====

> Early-to-mid 1980s.  ftg was already there when I interviewed in early 1984.

> Norman Wilson

In 1980 Fred was a stalwart of the computer center. There he exhibited
great creativity, including the invention of "quest" for sniffing out
security lapses throughout the BTL computer network. His findings
underpinned the headline claim of the Labs' first computer-security
task force (1982), "It is easy and not very risky to pilfer data from
Bell Labs computers".


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