[TUHS] Trying to date "A Supplemental Document For Awk"

arnold at skeeve.com arnold at skeeve.com
Wed Jun 28 16:45:19 AEST 2023

Hmmm, skimming the file for the first time in a long time, I see that
he references 4.3 BSD as well.  Clearly, this document evolved over
time. I would still be interested in earlier versions if anyone has.



Aharon Robbins <arnold at skeeve.com> wrote:

> Hi All.
> Attached is "A Supplemental Document For Awk". This circulated on USENET
> in the 80s.  My copy is dated January 18, 1989, but I'm sure it's
> older than that.  One clue is the reference to the 4.2 BSD manual,
> and 4.3 came out already in 1986 or so.
> Does anyone else have a copy of this with perhaps an older date?
> As far as I can tell from a short search, the author is no
> longer living.  If someone knows better and can provide contact
> info for him, that'd be great.
> In the meantime, Warren, do you want to add it to the archives?
> Thanks!
> Arnold

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