[TUHS] Trying to date "A Supplemental Document For Awk"

Clem Cole clemc at ccc.com
Thu Jun 29 04:38:40 AEST 2023

Download the file and make sure you save it in "UNIX" format, not DOS (
*i.e.* newline delimited not the nasty <CR><LF> cruft) -- (if you are not
sure how to do that running the dos2unix(1) command will assure it's was
not unix format when you are done).

% file awkdoc
awkdoc: troff or preprocessor input text, ASCII text
% man groff

We'll leave it to you to figure out which switches for troff/groff and
macro package (hint: try the head(1) command to peak at the first few lines
--  there are three likely choices, but it's pretty obvious since the same
one as most V7 documents).

FWIW: If you got a copy of Kernighan and Pike's - "The Unix Programming
Environment"  [ISBN 0-13-937699-2] which is available at most retailers.
You can read Chapter 9 for this question. Although, given so many of the
questions you seem to like to ask here, please consider doing all the
exercises in the entire book.

On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 2:04 PM KenUnix <ken.unix.guy at gmail.com> wrote:

> Guys,
> It's been too long. What would I use to compile this man page source?
> I do remember some option switches are required. Yes?
> Thanks
> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 1:49 PM Adam Sampson <ats at offog.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 09:26:02AM +0300, Aharon Robbins wrote:
>> > Attached is "A Supplemental Document For Awk". This circulated on
>> > USENET in the 80s.  My copy is dated January 18, 1989, but I'm sure
>> > it's older than that.
>> In the utzoo Usenet archive, there are two versions of this document and
>> a few mentions of it...
>> John Pierce posted to comp.unix.questions on 1989-04-02, saying he'd
>> written it "four or five years ago".
>> Stu Heiss, in comp.unix.questions on 1989-03-06, said it was "posted to
>> net.sources 18 Jun 86 with message-id 238 at sdchema.sdchem.uucp".
>> Unfortunately this isn't in the utzoo archive or the net.sources.mbox
>> in archive.org's Usenet Historical Collection.
>> A copy identical to yours was posted by Jim Harkins to
>> comp.unix.questions on 1990-03-29.
>> There's a later version, fixing a typo and some formatting and adding a
>> mention of \f and \b in printf, which was posted by Brian Kantor to
>> comp.doc on 1987-10-11 -- I've attached this. The same file (with two
>> .bps commented out) was reposted in comp.unix.questions on 1989-11-16 by
>> Francois-Michel Lang.
>> Thanks,
>> --
>> Adam Sampson <ats at offog.org>                         <http://offog.org/>
> --
> End of line
> JOB TERMINATED -->> Okey Dokey, OK Boss
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