[TUHS] Trying to date "A Supplemental Document For Awk"

G. Branden Robinson g.branden.robinson at gmail.com
Thu Jun 29 23:34:00 AEST 2023

At 2023-06-29T09:47:50+1000, Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:
> There's also grog (groff guess) that may help.  It's not very clever,
> but it recognizes a number of formats:
>  $ grog ls.1
>  groff -mdoc ls.1

I won't claim that grog is more clever now, but as of groff 1.23.0 it
is[1] avowedly less buggy.  It is also 52% of its former size (by `wc
-l`), has 14 bug fixes since groff 1.22.4 (with only a wish list item
remaining), sports an automated test suite, and the tool itself can now
be conveniently passed around as a single file--so I'm attaching it.


[1] Will be.  We're up to release candidate 4 now.

-------------- next part --------------
# grog - guess options for groff command
# Inspired by doctype script in Kernighan & Pike, Unix Programming
# Environment, pp 306-8.

# Copyright (C) 1993-2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Written by James Clark.
# Rewritten in Perl by Bernd Warken <groff-bernd.warken-72 at web.de>.
# Hacked up by G. Branden Robinson, 2021.

# This file is part of 'grog', which is part of 'groff'.

# 'groff' is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# 'groff' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>.

use warnings;
use strict;

use File::Spec;

my $groff_version = 'DEVELOPMENT';

my @command = ();		# the constructed groff command
my @requested_package = ();	# arguments to '-m' grog options
my @inferred_preprocessor = ();	# preprocessors the document uses
my @inferred_main_package = ();	# full-service package(s) detected
my $main_package;		# full-service package we go with
my $do_run = 0;			# run generated 'groff' command
my $use_compatibility_mode = 0;	# is -C being passed to groff?

my %preprocessor_for_macro = (
  'EQ', 'eqn',
  'G1', 'grap',
  'GS', 'grn',
  'PS', 'pic',
  '[',  'refer',
  #'so', 'soelim', # Can't be inferred this way; see grog man page.
  'TS', 'tbl',
  'cstart',   'chem',
  'lilypond', 'glilypond',
  'Perl',     'gperl',
  'pinyin',   'gpinyin',

my $program_name = $0;
  my ($v, $d, $f) = File::Spec->splitpath($program_name);
  $program_name = $f;

my %user_macro;
my %score = ();

my @input_file;

# .TH is both a man(7) macro and often used with tbl(1).  We expect to
# find .TH in ms(7) documents only between .TS and .TE calls, and in
# man(7) documents only as the first macro call.
my $have_seen_first_macro_call = 0;
# man(7) and ms(7) use many of the same macro names; do extra checking.
my $man_score = 0;
my $ms_score = 0;

my $had_inference_problem = 0;
my $had_processing_problem = 0;
my $have_any_valid_arguments = 0;

sub fail {
  my $text = shift;
  print STDERR "$program_name: error: $text\n";
  $had_processing_problem = 1;

sub warn {
  my $text = shift;
  print STDERR "$program_name: warning: $text\n";

sub process_arguments {
  my $no_more_options = 0;
  my $delayed_option = '';
  my $was_minus = 0;
  my $optarg = 0;
  my $pdf_with_ligatures = 0;

  foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
    if ( $optarg ) {
      push @command, $arg;
      $optarg = 0;

    if ($no_more_options) {
      push @input_file, $arg;

    if ($delayed_option) {
      if ($delayed_option eq '-m') {
	push @requested_package, $arg;
	$arg = '';
      } else {
	push @command, $delayed_option;

      push @command, $arg if $arg;
      $delayed_option = '';

    unless ( $arg =~ /^-/ ) { # file name, no opt, no optarg
      push @input_file, $arg;

    # now $arg starts with '-'

    if ($arg eq '-') {
      unless ($was_minus) {
	push @input_file, $arg;
	$was_minus = 1;

    if ($arg eq '--') {
      $no_more_options = 1;

    # Handle options that cause an early exit.
    &version() if ($arg eq '-v' || $arg eq '--version');
    &usage(0) if ($arg eq '-h' || $arg eq '--help');

    if ($arg =~ '^--.') {
      if ($arg =~ '^--(run|with-ligatures)$') {
	$do_run = 1             if ($arg eq '--run');
	$pdf_with_ligatures = 1 if ($arg eq '--with-ligatures');
      } else {
        &fail("unrecognized grog option '$arg'; ignored");

    # Handle groff options that take an argument.

    # Handle the option argument being separated by whitespace.
    if ($arg =~ /^-[dfFIKLmMnoPrTwW]$/) {
      $delayed_option = $arg;

    # Handle '-m' option without subsequent whitespace.
    if ($arg =~ /^-m/) {
      my $package = $arg;
      $package =~ s/-m//;
      push @requested_package, $package;

    # Treat anything else as (possibly clustered) groff options that
    # take no arguments.

    # Our do_line() needs to know if it should do compatibility parsing.
    $use_compatibility_mode = 1 if ($arg =~ /C/);

    push @command, $arg;

  if ($pdf_with_ligatures) {
    push @command, '-P-y';
    push @command, '-PU';

  @input_file = ('-') unless (@input_file);
} # process_arguments()

sub process_input {
  foreach my $file (@input_file) {
    unless ( open(FILE, $file eq "-" ? $file : "< $file") ) {
      &fail("cannot open '$file': $!");

    $have_any_valid_arguments = 1;

    while (my $line = <FILE>) {
      chomp $line;

  } # end foreach
} # process_input()

# Push item onto inferred full-service list only if not already present.
sub push_main_package {
  my $pkg = shift;
  if (!grep(/^$pkg/, @inferred_main_package)) {
    push @inferred_main_package, $pkg;
} # push_main_package()

sub do_line {
  my $command;			# request or macro name
  my $args;			# request or macro arguments

  my $line = shift;

  # Check for a Perl Pod::Man comment.
  # An alternative to this kludge is noted below: if a "standard" macro
  # is redefined, we could delete it from the relevant lists and
  # hashes.
  if ($line =~ /\\\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man/) {
    $man_score += 100;

  # Strip comments.
  $line =~ s/\\".*//;
  $line =~ s/\\#.*// unless $use_compatibility_mode;

  return unless ($line =~ /^[.']/);	# Ignore text lines.

  # Perform preprocessor checks; they scan their inputs using a rump
  # interpretation of roff(7) syntax that requires the default control
  # character and no space between it and the macro name.  In AT&T
  # compatibility mode, no space (or newline!) is required after the
  # macro name, either.  We mimic the preprocessors themselves; eqn(1),
  # for instance, does not recognize '.EN' if '.EQ' has not been seen.
  my $boundary = '\\b';
  $boundary = '' if ($use_compatibility_mode);

  if ($line =~ /^\.(\S\S)$boundary/ || $line =~ /^\.(\[)/) {
    my $macro = $1;
    # groff identifiers can have extremely weird characters in them.
    # The ones we care about are conventionally named, but me(7)
    # documents can call macros like '+c', so quote carefully.
    if (grep(/^\Q$macro\E$/, keys %preprocessor_for_macro)) {
      my $preproc = $preprocessor_for_macro{$macro};
      if (!grep(/$preproc/, @inferred_preprocessor)) {
	push @inferred_preprocessor, $preproc;

  # Normalize control lines; convert no-break control character to the
  # regular one and remove unnecessary whitespace.
  $line =~ s/^['.]\s*/./;
  $line =~ s/\s+$//;

  return if ($line =~ /^\.$/);		# Ignore empty request.
  return if ($line =~ /^\.\\?\.$/);	# Ignore macro definition ends.

  # Split control line into a request or macro call and its arguments.

  # Handle single-letter macro names.
  if ($line =~ /^\.(\S)(\s+(.*))?$/) {
    $command = $1;
    $args = $2;
  # Handle two-letter macro/request names in compatibility mode.
  } elsif ($use_compatibility_mode) {
    $line =~ /^\.(\S\S)\s*(.*)$/;
    $command = $1;
    $args = $2;
  # Handle multi-letter macro/request names in groff mode.
  } else {
    $line =~ /^\.(\S+)(\s+(.*))?$/;
    $command = $1;
    $args = $3;

  $command = '' unless ($command);
  $args = '' unless ($args);

  # user-defined macros

  # If the line calls a user-defined macro, skip it.
  return if (exists $user_macro{$command});

  # These are all requests supported by groff 1.23.0.
  my @request = ('ab', 'ad', 'af', 'aln', 'als', 'am', 'am1', 'ami',
		 'ami1', 'as', 'as1', 'asciify', 'backtrace', 'bd',
		 'blm', 'box', 'boxa', 'bp', 'br', 'brp', 'break', 'c2',
		 'cc', 'ce', 'cf', 'cflags', 'ch', 'char', 'chop',
		 'class', 'close', 'color', 'composite', 'continue',
		 'cp', 'cs', 'cu', 'da', 'de', 'de1', 'defcolor', 'dei',
		 'dei1', 'device', 'devicem', 'di', 'do', 'ds', 'ds1',
		 'dt', 'ec', 'ecr', 'ecs', 'el', 'em', 'eo', 'ev',
		 'evc', 'ex', 'fam', 'fc', 'fchar', 'fcolor', 'fi',
		 'fp', 'fschar', 'fspecial', 'ft', 'ftr', 'fzoom',
		 'gcolor', 'hc', 'hcode', 'hla', 'hlm', 'hpf', 'hpfa',
		 'hpfcode', 'hw', 'hy', 'hym', 'hys', 'ie', 'if', 'ig',
		 'in', 'it', 'itc', 'kern', 'lc', 'length', 'linetabs',
		 'lf', 'lg', 'll', 'lsm', 'ls', 'lt', 'mc', 'mk', 'mso',
		 'msoquiet', 'na', 'ne', 'nf', 'nh', 'nm', 'nn', 'nop',
		 'nr', 'nroff', 'ns', 'nx', 'open', 'opena', 'os',
		 'output', 'pc', 'pev', 'pi', 'pl', 'pm', 'pn', 'pnr',
		 'po', 'ps', 'psbb', 'pso', 'ptr', 'pvs', 'rchar', 'rd',
		 'return', 'rfschar', 'rj', 'rm', 'rn', 'rnn', 'rr',
		 'rs', 'rt', 'schar', 'shc', 'shift', 'sizes', 'so',
		 'soquiet', 'sp', 'special', 'spreadwarn', 'ss',
		 'stringdown', 'stringup', 'sty', 'substring', 'sv',
		 'sy', 'ta', 'tc', 'ti', 'tkf', 'tl', 'tm', 'tm1',
		 'tmc', 'tr', 'trf', 'trin', 'trnt', 'troff', 'uf',
		 'ul', 'unformat', 'vpt', 'vs', 'warn', 'warnscale',
		 'wh', 'while', 'write', 'writec', 'writem');

  # Add user-defined macro names to %user_macro.
  # Macros can also be defined with .dei{,1}, ami{,1}, but supporting
  # that would be a heavy lift for the benefit of users that probably
  # don't require grog's help.  --GBR
  if ($command =~ /^(de|am)1?$/) {
    my $name = $args;
    # Strip off any end macro.
    $name =~ s/\s+.*$//;
    # Handle special cases of macros starting with '[' or ']'.
    if ($name =~ /^[][]/) {
      delete $preprocessor_for_macro{'['};
    # XXX: If the macro name shadows a standard macro name, maybe we
    # should delete the latter from our lists and hashes.  This might
    # depend on whether the document is trying to remain compatible
    # with an existing interface, or simply colliding with names they
    # don't care about (consider a raw roff document that defines 'PP').
    # --GBR
    $user_macro{$name} = 0 unless (exists $user_macro{$name});

  # XXX: Handle .rm as well?

  # Ignore all other requests.  Again, macro names can contain Perl
  # regex metacharacters, so be careful.
  return if (grep(/^\Q$command\E$/, @request));
  # What remains must be a macro name.
  my $macro = $command;

  $have_seen_first_macro_call = 1;

  # macro package (tmac)

  # man and ms share too many macro names for the following approach to
  # be fruitful for many documents; see &infer_man_or_ms_package.
  # We can put one thumb on the scale, however.
  if ((!$have_seen_first_macro_call) && ($macro eq 'TH')) {
    # TH as the first call in a document screams man(7).
    $man_score += 100;

  # mdoc
  if ($macro =~ /^Dd$/) {

  # old mdoc
  if ($macro =~ /^(Tp|Dp|De|Cx|Cl)$/) {

  # me

  if ($macro =~ /^(
		  )$/x) {

  # mm and mmse

  if ($macro =~ /^(
		  )$/x) {
    if ($macro =~ /^LO$/) {
      if ( $args =~ /^(DNAMN|MDAT|BIL|KOMP|DBET|BET|SIDOR)/ ) {
    } elsif ($macro =~ /^LT$/) {
      if ( $args =~ /^(SVV|SVH)/ ) {

  # mom

  if ($macro =~ /^(
		  )$/x) {
} # do_line()

my @preprocessor = ();

sub infer_preprocessors {
  my %option_for_preprocessor =  (
    'eqn', '-e',
    'grap', '-G',
    'grn', '-g',
    'pic', '-p',
    'refer', '-R',
    #'soelim', '-s', # Can't be inferred this way; see grog man page.
    'tbl', '-t',
    'chem', '-j'

  # Use a temporary list we can sort later.  We want the options to show
  # up in a stable order for testing purposes instead of the order their
  # macros turn up in the input.  groff doesn't care about the order.
  my @opt = ();

  foreach my $preproc (@inferred_preprocessor) {
    my $preproc_option = $option_for_preprocessor{$preproc};

    if ($preproc_option) {
      push @opt, $preproc_option;
    } else {
      push @preprocessor, $preproc;
  push @command, sort @opt;
} # infer_preprocessors()

# Return true (1) if either the man or ms package is inferred.
sub infer_man_or_ms_package {
  my @macro_ms = ('RP', 'TL', 'AU', 'AI', 'DA', 'ND', 'AB', 'AE',
		  'QP', 'QS', 'QE', 'XP',
		  'BX', 'UL', 'LG', 'NL',
		  'KS', 'KF', 'KE', 'B1', 'B2',
		  'DS', 'DE', 'LD', 'ID', 'BD', 'CD', 'RD',
		  'FS', 'FE',
		  'OH', 'OF', 'EH', 'EF', 'P1',
		  'TA', '1C', '2C', 'MC',
		  'XS', 'XE', 'XA', 'TC', 'PX',
		  'IX', 'SG');

  my @macro_man = ('BR', 'IB', 'IR', 'RB', 'RI', 'P', 'TH', 'TP', 'SS',
		   'HP', 'PD',
		   'AT', 'UC',
		   'EE', 'EX',
		   'MT', 'ME', 'SY', 'YS', 'TQ', 'UR', 'UE');

  my @macro_man_or_ms = ('B', 'I', 'BI',
			 'RS', 'RE',
			 'IP', 'LP', 'PP');

  for my $key (@macro_man_or_ms, @macro_man, @macro_ms) {
    $score{$key} = 0 unless exists $score{$key};

  # Compute a score for each package by counting occurrences of their
  # characteristic macros.
  foreach my $key (@macro_man_or_ms) {
    $man_score += $score{$key};
    $ms_score += $score{$key};

  foreach my $key (@macro_man) {
    $man_score += $score{$key};

  foreach my $key (@macro_ms) {
    $ms_score += $score{$key};

  if (!$ms_score && !$man_score) {
    # The input may be a "raw" roff document; this is not a problem,
    # but it does mean no package was inferred.
    return 0;
  } elsif ($ms_score == $man_score) {
    # If there was no TH call, it's not a (valid) man(7) document.
    if (!$score{'TH'}) {
    } else {
      &warn("document ambiguous; disambiguate with -man or -ms option");
      $had_inference_problem = 1;
    return 0;
  } elsif ($ms_score > $man_score) {
  } else {

  return 1;
} # infer_man_or_ms_package()

sub construct_command {
  my @main_package = ('an', 'doc', 'doc-old', 'e', 'm', 'om', 's');
  my $file_args_included;	# file args now only at 1st preproc
  unshift @command, 'groff';
  if (@preprocessor) {
    my @progs;
    $progs[0] = shift @preprocessor;
    push(@progs, @input_file);
    for (@preprocessor) {
      push @progs, '|';
      push @progs, $_;
    push @progs, '|';
    unshift @command, @progs;
    $file_args_included = 1;
  } else {
    $file_args_included = 0;

  foreach (@command) {
    next unless /\s/;
    # when one argument has several words, use accents
    $_ = "'" . $_ . "'";

  my $have_ambiguous_main_package = 0;
  my $inferred_main_package_count = scalar @inferred_main_package;

  # Did we infer multiple full-service packages?
  if ($inferred_main_package_count > 1) {
    $have_ambiguous_main_package = 1;
    # For each one the user explicitly requested...
    for my $pkg (@requested_package) {
      # ...did it resolve the ambiguity for us?
      if (grep(/$pkg/, @inferred_main_package)) {
	@inferred_main_package = ($pkg);
	$have_ambiguous_main_package = 0;
  } elsif ($inferred_main_package_count == 1) {
    $main_package = shift @inferred_main_package;

  if ($have_ambiguous_main_package) {
    # TODO: Alphabetical is probably not the best ordering here.  We
    # should tally up scores on a per-package basis generally, not just
    # for an and s.
    for my $pkg (@main_package) {
      if (grep(/$pkg/, @inferred_main_package)) {
	$main_package = $pkg;
	&warn("document ambiguous (choosing '$main_package'"
	      . " from '@inferred_main_package'); disambiguate with -m"
	      . " option");
	$had_inference_problem = 1;

  # If a full-service package was explicitly requested, warn if the
  # inference differs from the request.  This also ensures that all -m
  # arguments are placed in the same order that the user gave them;
  # caveat dictator.
  my @auxiliary_package_argument = ();
  for my $pkg (@requested_package) {
    my $is_auxiliary_package = 1;
    if (grep(/$pkg/, @main_package)) {
      $is_auxiliary_package = 0;
      if ($pkg ne $main_package) {
	&warn("overriding inferred package '$main_package'"
	      . " with requested package '$pkg'");
	$main_package = $pkg;
    if ($is_auxiliary_package) {
      push @auxiliary_package_argument, "-m" . $pkg;

  push @command, '-m' . $main_package if ($main_package);
  push @command, @auxiliary_package_argument;
  push @command, @input_file unless ($file_args_included);

  # execute the 'groff' command here with option '--run'
  if ( $do_run ) { # with --run
    print STDERR "@command\n";
    my $cmd = join ' ', @command;
  } else {
    print "@command\n";
} # construct_command()

sub usage {
  my $stream = *STDOUT;
  my $had_error = shift;
  $stream = *STDERR if $had_error;
  my $grog = $program_name;
  print $stream "usage: $grog [--ligatures] [--run]" .
    " [groff-option ...] [--] [file ...]\n" .
    "usage: $grog {-v | --version}\n" .
    "usage: $grog {-h | --help}\n";
  unless ($had_error) {
    print $stream "\n" .
"Read each roff(7) input FILE and attempt to infer an appropriate\n" .
"groff(1) command to format it.  See the grog(1) manual page.\n";
  exit $had_error;

sub version {
  print "GNU $program_name (groff) $groff_version\n";
  exit 0;
} # version()

# initialize

my $in_unbuilt_source_tree = 0;
  my $at = '@';
  $in_unbuilt_source_tree = 1 if ('1.23.0.rc4.391-325a' eq "${at}VERSION${at}");

$groff_version = '1.23.0.rc4.391-325a' unless ($in_unbuilt_source_tree);


if ($have_any_valid_arguments) {
  &infer_man_or_ms_package() if (scalar @inferred_main_package != 1);

exit 2 if ($had_processing_problem);
exit 1 if ($had_inference_problem);
exit 0;

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