[TUHS] etymology of yacc

Ron Natalie ron at ronnatalie.com
Wed Oct 4 05:14:35 AEST 2023

According to WIkipedia (for what that’s worth), it was Stephen Johnson’s 
coining of it for YACC that started it all.

------ Original Message ------
>From "Douglas McIlroy" <douglas.mcilroy at dartmouth.edu>
To "TUHS main list" <tuhs at tuhs.org>; scj at yaccman.com
Date 10/2/23, 9:25:18 PM
Subject [TUHS] etymology of yacc

>Was Yacc an original coinage, or was it inspired by a similar acronym
>for yet another whatever? The question is inspired by Yamoo, yet
>another map of Orion, which is mentioned in today's NYT:
>Do the two acronyms share a common ancestor?

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