[TUHS] SCCS roach motel

Larry McVoy lm at mcvoy.com
Sat Dec 14 04:06:49 AEST 2024

On Fri, Dec 13, 2024 at 09:52:28AM -0700, Marc Rochkind wrote:
> IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering has asked me to write a
> retrospective on the influence of SCCS over the last 50 years, as my SCCS
> paper was published in 1975. They consider it one of the most influential
> papers from TSE's first decade.
> There's a funny quote from Ken Thompson that circulates from time-to-time:
> "SCCS, the source motel! Programs check in and never check out!"
> But nobody seems to know what it means exactly. As part of my research, I
> asked Ken what the quote meant, sunce I wanted to include it. He explained
> that it refers to SCCS storing binary data in its repository file,
> preventing UNIX text tools from operating on the file.
> Of course, this is only one of SCCS's many weaknesses. If you have anything
> funny about any of the others, post it here. I already have all the boring
> usual stuff (e.g., long-term locks, file-oriented, no merging).

Warning, I know more about SCCS than the average person, I've
reimplemented it from scratch and then built BitKeeper on top of an
extended SCCS file format.  So lots of info coming.  Rick Smith and
Wayne Scott know as much as I do, Rick knows more, he joined me and
promptly started fixing my SCCS implementation.  So far as I know, 
there is not a more knowledgable person that Rick when it comes to
weave file formats.

SCCS's strength is the weave format.  It's largely not understood, even
by other people working in source management.  Here's the benefit of
that weave (if people use it, which, other than BitKeeper, they don't,
looking at you, Clearcase, you had a weave and didn't use it): SCCS can
pass merge data by reference, everyone else copies the data.

SCCS is a set based system.   Each node has a revision number, like 1.5,
but because SCCS, unlike RCS, limited the revisions to at most 4 fields,
like, it is _impossible_ to build the history graph from the 
revisions, you can in simple graphs but as soon as you branch from a
branch, all bets are off.

The graph is built from what BitKeeper called serial numbers.  Each node
in the graph has at least 2 serials, one that names that node in the
graph, and one that is the parent.

So if I have a file with 5 revisions in straight line history, the
internal stuff will look something like

rev	me	parent
1.5	5	4
1.4	4	3
1.3	3	2
1.2	2	1
1.1	1	0

So what's the set?  Pretty simple for straight line history, you walk
the history from the rev that you want, adding the "me" serial and
going to the parent, repeat until the parent is 0.

Suppose you branch from rev 1.3.

rev	me	parent	6	3
1.5	5	4
1.4	4	3
1.3	3	2

See that is me: 6 and parent: 3.  So if I were building the set
for, it becomes 6, then go to parent 3, 2, 1, skipping over 5
and 4.  If you understand that, you are starting to understand the set
and how it is constructed.

Did you know you can have an argument in the revision history without
adding anything to the data part?  SCCS has the ability to include 
and/or exclude serials as part of a delta.  Lets say Marc looked at
my 1.5 and thought it was garbage.  He can exclude it from the 
set like so:

rev	me	parent	include	exclude
1.6	7	5	0	5	6	3
1.5	5	4
1.4	4	3
1.3	3	2

That doesn't change the data part of the file AT ALL, it's just saying
Marc doesn't want anyone to see the 1.5 changes.

To understand that, you need to know how SCCS checks out a file.  And
you need to know how the data is stored.  Which is in a weave.  RCS,
and pretty much everything that followed it, doesn't use a weave at
all.  RCS stores the most recent version of the file as a complete 
copy of the checked out file.  Then each delta working backwards up
the trunk is a patch, what diff produces.

Think about what that means for working on a branch.  You have to start
with the most recent version of the file, apply backward patches to go
to earlier versions all the way back to the branch point, then apply
forward patches to work your way to tip of the branch.  Ask Dave Miller
how pleasant it is to work on gcc on a branch.  It's crazy slow and

So how does SCCS do it?  Lets say the first version of a file is


The data portion of the history file will look like:

^AI 1
^AE 1

SCCS used ^A at the beginning of a line to mean "this is metadata for
SCCS".  ^AI is an insert, ^AD is a delete, and insert/delete are paired
with a ^AE which means end.  The number after is the serial.  So that
weave says "If serial 1 is in your set, everything after ^AI 1 is part
of that set until you hit the matching ^AE 1.

Lets say the 2nd version is

serial 2 added this

Notice that serial 2 deleted what was line 5.

^AI 1
^AI 2
serial 2 added this
^AE 2
^AD 2
^AE 2
^AE 1

So now we can start to see how you walk the weave.  If I'm trying to
check out 1.1 aka serial 1, I build a set that has only '1' in the set.
I hit the ^AI 1 see that I have 1 in my set, so I'm now in print mode,
which means print each data line.  I hit ^AI 2, that's not in my set,
so I'm now in skip mode.  And I skip the stuff inserted by serial 2.
I see the ^AE 2 and I revert back to print mode.  I get to ^AD 2,
2 is NOT in my set, so I stay in print mode.  Etc.

Let's make a branch,, with lots of data.

branch line 1
branch line 2
branch line 10000

^AI 1
^AI 2
serial 2 added this
^AE 2
^AI 3
branch line 1
branch line 2
branch line 10000
^AE 3
^AD 2
^AE 2
^AE 1

So if I checked out, the set is 1, 3, I walk the weave and I'll
print anything inserted by either of those, delete anything deleted
by those, skip anything inserted by anything not in the set, skip any
deletes by anything not in the set.

The delta table looks like this, notice I've added an author column:

rev	me	parent	include	exclude	author	3	1			lm
1.2	2	1			lm
1.1	1	0			lm

If you followed all that, you can see how SCCS can merge by reference.
Lets say Clem decides to merge my branch onto the trunk. The delta table
will get a new entry:

rev	me	parent	include	exclude	author
1.3	4	2	3		clem	3	1			lm
1.2	2	1			lm
1.1	1	0			lm

The weave DOES NOT CHANGE.  That's the pass by reference.  You do the 3 way
merge, it will find the lines "3" and "5" as anchor points in both versions,
so it is a simple insert with no new data added to the weave.

Here's some magic that *everyone* else gets wrong when they pass by value:
In a system that passes by value (copies) the data, the merge done by clem
would have an annotated listing like so:

lm	1
lm	2
lm	3
clem	branch line 1
clem	branch line 2
clem	...
clem	branch line 10000
lm	4
lm	5

Since it copied the data, it looks like Clem wrote it but he didn't, he
just automerged it.  In SCCS/BitKeeper it would look like:

lm	1
lm	2
lm	3
lm	branch line 1
lm	branch line 2
lm	...
lm	branch line 10000
lm	4
lm	5

which is correct, all of those lines were authored by one person.  The only
time the merger should show up as an author is if there was a conflict, 
however the merger resolved that conflict is new work and should be
authored by the merger.

What BitKeeper did, that was a profound step forward, was make the idea
of a repository a formal thing and introduced the concept of changesets
that keeps track of all this stuff at the repository level.  So it does
all this stuff at the file level but you don't have to do that low level
work.  You could think of SCCS as assembly and BitKeeper as more like C,
it upleveled things to the point that humans can manage the repository

Whew.  That's a butt load of info.  Perhaps better for COFF?  Any
questions?  It should be obvious that I *love* SCCS, it's a dramatically
better file format than a patch based one, you can get *any* version of
the file in constant time, authorship can be preserved across versions,
it's pretty brilliant and I consider myself blessed to be posting this
in response to SCCS's creator.  Hats off to Marc.  And big boo, hiss,
to the RCS guy, who got a PhD for RCS (give me a break) and did the
world a huge disservice by bad mouthing SCCS so he could promote RCS.


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