Help doing automount?

Steven L. Baur baur at
Mon Aug 6 06:11:24 AEST 1990

I am in the process of setting up the SunOS 4.x automount program and have
run into some problems.  I have no problem starting the program by hand as
"# automount /net -hosts".  But this isn't what I want.  I have a network
with user login disks distributed, so I want to be able to setup an
account /usr/users/someone  and specify that the someone directory really
comes from host:/path/someone (where host is where that disk resides).  I
haven't been able to get automount to use the -f flag at all (it just

Would somebody please send me an auto.master file that works?.  (And say
what it does).  I'd like info concerning both 4.0.3 and 4.1, but will take
what I can get.  Thanks in advance.

steve	baur at venice.SEDD.TRW.COM

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