Computer Ethics (was: Re: The Internet Virus--A Commentary)

Michael J. Chinni, SMCAR-CCS-E mchinni at
Fri Nov 18 01:28:54 AEST 1988

Your suggestion of the book:
"Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and Technology", by Donn Parker.
sounds good.  Can you provide some more info. on the book like publisher and
when it came out and maybe also what revision your copy is ?

			Michael J. Chinni
ARPA:	mchinni at	UUCP:  	...!uunet!!mchinni
AT&T:	201-724-4140		AUTOVON: 880-4140
Work:	SMCAR-CCS-E, Bldg 350Annex, Picatinny Arsenal, NJ 07806-5000

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