Serial lines and v6 ...

Warren Toomey wkt at
Sat Dec 2 15:15:38 AEST 1995

In atricle by Bob Manners:
> I rebuilt the v6 kernel to enable a second DL11 interface. I have no
> guide to the source, so all this is based on my guesswork. Needless to
> say, it doesn't work, and I'm now out of ideas:

Bob, check out the manual for mkconf(1), and also the documentation
about rebuilding the Unix kernel in /usr/doc/setup??. I'm sure it
mentions the DL code, so that might get you going. I'm at home & don't
have my paper copies at hand. But looking at the v7 docs, maybe you
need to put a line like

1 kl

in your config file. Don't put 2 kl, the software automatically counts
the console.

> On a completely different note, would someone be so kind as to give me
> the source for a very small Bourne shell and accompanying utilities
> (/bin/test etc...) that I could port to v6 without too much difficulty?

Yeah, v6 comes with all of these in /usr/src/cmd :-) Maybe you meant
something else?


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