Good News re PDP Unix Licensing

Johnny Billquist konsult Johnny.Billquist at
Thu Jun 27 19:02:02 AEST 1996

> All,
> 	I just received a very pleasing letter from Dion L. Johnson II, the
> Product Manager at SCO, about the legal status of the PDP UNIXs. I've included
> his email and my response below. If I can get a legally authorative statement
> on paper from SCO, I'll pass it on to you all, especially Steven Schultz.

Not that I wan't to sound pessimistic, but there are several
miles between "would not mind", and "legally allowed".

>From what I read into his letter, he's saying that he don't think
SCO would take legal actions against us, but at the same time they
won't probably make it officially legal.

And your reply, hoping that they'll say that "Unix is legally owned by
SCO, but freely distributable", is really reaching for the sky... :-)

Anyway, keep trying, it would be very nice if they really did write
such a paper.


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