Does anybody have an assembler in C?

Warren Toomey wkt at henry.CS.ADFA.OZ.AU
Thu Mar 12 06:25:03 AEST 1998

In article by Tim Shoppa:
> I have to admit that I'm not fully aware of the copyrights regarding
> the XINU package.  If research shows that this is freely distributable,
> is this something we'd want to distribute through the PUPS archive,
> Warren?
> Tim. (shoppa at

Xinu is freely distributable, as long as it's not sold as a competing
product to Doug Comer's book. It's in the archive.

Another solution for a assembler in C is some stuff I've got from a
Russian, who `ported' either cc or pcc to a Sparc, as a cross-compiler.
Greg, have a look in .miscfiles. If someone can make some order out of
this, I'll put it in the archive.

To the PUPS readers, there is a whole lot of stuff I've got but I haven't
added into the PUPS ARchive as yet:

	+ System V		(SCO license doesn't include it)
	+ copyright stuff	I haven't cleared it's release yet
	+ unsorted jumble	Someone has to categorise this

I could put the unsorted jumble into the PUPS Archive. Yes or no?

P.S Woke up to a barrage of email today. Wading thru it....


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