[pups] BSD 2.11 SL/IP and sim2.3d+BB1

PUP jstevep at tron.superglobalmegacorp.com
Thu May 17 17:37:56 AEST 2001

Thanks for the pointer, I found the part you mentioned for the ASCII clean up and removed them from the DL11 and KL11 drivers, and noticed that I need to detect the 0 device so the console is usable =) but the big thing is that I telneted into the VM using slip ok!!!!

Thanks again, I didn't know what to look for in the source (I was looking @ the other half in the attach stuff not I/O (doh!))

If you want/need I'll gladly diff mine out... 

Oh btw Steven, every time I try to ftp the site, I get connection closed.. It
's definatly "up" but I can't get to it.. does your site try to reverse lookup clients? if so, that's the issue.. I don't have reverse entries for dns.

Thanks again!

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