[pups] FreeBSD-4.7, p11-2.9, 2.11bsd

M. Giegerich migieger at bawue.de
Wed Jan 22 12:38:37 AEST 2003

On Tue, Jan 21, 2003 at 08:15:06AM +0530, M. Giegerich wrote:
> I may post a summary on how to get this running
> as I needed quite some reading in different mails
> of the pups archive... (may make life easier for
> others).

Done before memory fades away...

If there is anybody trying this out, I would appre-
ciate some feedback on this primer.

Installing 2.11BSD on the PDP11 emulator p11 on FreeBSD

This relates to FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p3 (the most current
4.7 RELEASE as on Jan. 19, 2003).

You'll need Harti Brandt's PDP11 emulator. I used the
latest non-beta release p11-2.9 dated Mar. 1st, 2001.
To build p11, libbegemot is needed too (libbegemot-1.9
dated Mar. 1st, 2001). Both are available at

116847 Mar  1  2001 libbegemot-1.9.tar.gz
298755 Mar  1  2001 p11-2.9.tar.gz
MD5 (libbegemot-1.9.tar.gz) = 92bc75e99c5bc778f59adf412ea085ea
MD5 (p11-2.9.tar.gz) = ffabf9752895d34396b2d5b38947c8dc

(My decision to use p11 was based on the fact, that
it's much less cpu hungry than Bob Supnik's sim

The 2.11BSD distribution I use is 2.11_rp_unknown.gz
from http://www.tuhs.org/Archive/PDP-11/Boot_Images.

34600118 Feb  1 1998 2.11_rp_unknown.gz
MD5 (2.11_rp_unknown.gz) = d57863a498edc4598da84eb5bc88b3a2

After downloading you'll want to build libbegemot
and p11. Both is painless.

Building libbegemot

cd work
tar xvzf ../libbegemot-1.9.tar.gz
find libbegemot-1.9 | xargs chown user.group
(May be omitted, but on my system file ownership
was messed up).
cd libbegemot-1.9
gmake install

Building p11

cd work
tar xvzf ../p11-2.9.tar.gz
find p11-2.9 | xargs chown user.group
(May be omitted, but on my system file ownership
was messed up).
cd p11-2.9
./configure --with-begemot=/usr/local
gmake install

Configuring p11

The config file is in /usr/local/share/p11/p11conf.
Minimal changes are required:

Check for "define diskdir /home/private/p11/disks"
and change according to your setup. I gunzip'ed
2.11_rp_unknown.gz to /var/tmp/disks/RP_211bsd_root
to maintain the file naming of Harti. Beware, it
expands to 174 MB.

I also changed the sync time for the emulated rp
disk from 600000 to 4000 (as indicated in the docu-
mentation of p11.texi).
That is "ctrl rp 17776700 0254 5 4000" instead of
the original "ctrl rp 17776700 0254 5 600000".

(I changed the deqna's network driver from tun0
to tun3 too, as I'm using tun0 for dialup pur-

Last, I commented out the Linux tun and tap as well
as the FreeBSD tap networking entries.

My p11conf reads


--- snip --- snip --- snip ---
# Copyright (c)1994-2000 Begemot Computer Associates. All rights reserved.
# See the file COPYRIGHT for details of redistribution and use.
# $Id: p11conf.in,v 1.6 2000/12/01 12:27:00 hbb Exp $

# This configuration file is somehow tailored to my setup, but it is usable
# as a fallback in any case. Make a private copy and change it as you need it.

# Documentation for the configuration syntax is not yet ready :-( so here
# is a short version. You may look also in main.c
# The file is read line by line. If the line is empty or starts with a #
# it is ignored. The first word of each line is a keyword and determines how
# the rest of the line is interpreted:
#  define NAME [VALUE]
#	Define a variable (or change it's value). Variables can be access by
#	the $(NAME) construct. Substitution takes place on VALUE, but not on
#	NAME. Referencing an undefined variable is an error unless the form
#	$(NAME?) is used, in which case an empty string is substituted.
#	Set OPTION to value and define a variable OPTION with the given VALUE.
#	There are global and controller specific options. Global options
#	should be set outside all controller declarations (outside 'ctrl'-'end'
#	blocks.
#	Subsitution is done on VALUE but not on OPTION.
#	Options are:
#	libdir		- this is where help and configuration files are looked
#			  for as well as rom images (global).
#	iodir		- directory for the IO programs (global).
#	clock_rate	- clock ticks per second (usually 50 or 60). (global).
#	cpu_options	- these are the jumpers on the KDJ11A (ctrl KDJ11A).
#	csw_enable	- enable the console switch register (default) (ctrl KDJ11A).
#	csw		- starting contents of the switches (ctrl KDJ11).
#	maxreq		- maximum number of pending line clock interrupts
#			  (default is 1) (ctrl KDJ11A).
#	localtime	- toy clock should report local time, not GMT (ctrl toy).
#  include FILE
#	Include the given FILE. Substitution takes place on FILE.
#  print LINE
#	Print LINE on stdout after performing substitutions.
#  if EXPR
#	Substitute on EXPR, evaluate it and process the following lines up to
#	a matching else, elif of endif if EXPR is non-zero. There is a limit
#	on nested if's.
#  elif EXPR
#	If all if-clauses where false up to now, perform substitution, compute
#	EXPR and process all lines up to the matching else, elif or endif if
#	EXPR is non-zero.
#  else
#	If all if-clauses where false up to now, process all lines up to the
#	matching endif.
#  endif
#	Ends an if construct.
#  ctrl NAME [ARGS]
#	Plug in the given controller into the backplane. Substitution is done
#	on ARGS. What ARGS are needed depends on the concrete controller.
#	Note, that controllers are plugged in bottom-down, i.e. the last one
#	gets nearest to memory (which is automatically inserted), which in turn
#	gets nearest to the CPU. The controller line may be followed by
#	device lines which must be followed by end 'end' line.
#  dev [ARGS]
#	Connect a device to the current controller. Substitution is done on
#	ARGS and if this yields empy ARGS, the line is ignored. ARGS depends
#	on the controller.
#  end
#	End the current controller definition.
#  eval NAME [EXPR]
#	Compute EXPR after performing substitutions and assign the result as
#	a signed decimal integer to NAME.
# Expressions consists of the usual +, -, *, /, %, (, ), == and !=.
# The following builtin functions are available:
#	acess(FILE, MODE)
#		Check whether FILE is accessable (mode may be one or more
#		of 'f', 'r', 'w' and 'x'. Returns 1 if ok.
#	eq(STR1,STR2)
#		Compare the two strings after stripping leading and trailing
#		space and return 1 of they are equal.
#	exec(COMMAND)
#		Execute COMMAND with sh -c and return the exit code of the
#		shell (this may or may not be the exit code of the command).

if !defined(diskdir)
  define diskdir /var/tmp/disks

define RP_211_BOOT	0 $(diskdir)/RP_211bsd_root 1999
define RP_41_BOOT	0 $(diskdir)/RP_rsx_4.1boot 2000
define RP_41_SRC	1 $(diskdir)/RP_rsx_4.1src 2001

# standard rlv12 controller with four drives attached
# numbers are csr, vector, interrupt level and ms between msyncs
ctrl rl 017774400 0160 4 60000

# rp06 disk controller with 2 drives attached
# numbers are csr, vector, interrupt level and ms between msyncs
ctrl rp 017776700 0254 5 4000
if defined(BOOT)
 if eq($(BOOT),211)
  print Booting 2.11BSD
	dev $(RP_211_BOOT)
 elif eq($(BOOT),RSX)
  print Booting RSX4.1
	dev $(RP_41_BOOT)
	dev $(RP_41_SRC)

# kl11a async interface with up to 4 lines
# kl0 is console
# numbers are csr, vectors, interrupt level, driver program and parameters
# for driver program
# drivers:
#	tty_tty [-7] device
#	tty_net [-7] [-t] [-lLogFile] port-number
#	tty_xterm [-7] [-t title] [-g geometry] [-p position] [-i] [-x xterm-args]
#	tty_fifo [-7] fifo-name
#	tty_file [-7] [-p pidfile] [-e eof-seq] [-c] file-or-prog [args...]
ctrl kl
	dev 017777560 060 064 4 tty_net -t -7 10000
	dev 017776500 0300 0304 4 tty_net -t -7 10001
#	dev 017776510 0310 0314 4 tty_fifo /tmp/fifo

# MRV12 rom option
# args are csr and file containing boot-rom
if !defined(BOOT_ROM)
  if access(boot.rom, r)
    define BOOT_ROM boot.rom
  elif access(Boot/boot.rom, r)
    define BOOT_ROM Boot/boot.rom
    define BOOT_ROM $(libdir)/boot.rom
ctrl mr 017777520 $(BOOT_ROM)

# parallel lp interface
# numbers are csr, vector and interrupt level
# the device line contains either a filename or a '|' which creates a pipe
# followed by the program to pipe in and optional args
ctrl lp 017777514 0200 4

# DEQNA ethernet controller
# I can't distribute my ROM's image. So check whether there is any. If not
# don't plug in the thing. You can create a file consisting of 0's and use
# that instead. Use either tun or tap (hey - tap let's you use MOPR/MOPDL or
# DreckNet or ...)
if !defined(QNA_ROM)
  if access(qna.rom, r)
    define QNA_ROM qna.rom
  elif access($(libdir)/qna.rom, r)
    define QNA_ROM $(libdir)/qna.rom

if defined(QNA_ROM)
  ctrl qna 017774440 5 0x08:0x00:0x2b:0x07:0x82:0x6c 0xf8:0x7a $(QNA_ROM)
# FreeBSD:
	dev epp_tun /dev/tun3 0x08:0x00:0x2b:0x07:0x82:0x6c 0x08:0x00:0x2b:0x07:0x82:0x00
# Linux:
#	dev epp_tun /dev/net/tun 0x08:0x00:0x2b:0x07:0x82:0x6c 0x08:0x00:0x2b:0x07:0x82:0x00

# FreeBSD:
#	dev epp_tap /dev/tap0
# Linux:
#	dev epp_tap /dev/net/tun

#	eval dummy exec(ifconfig tap0 <your host> up)
#	eval dummy exec(ifconfig tap0)

# Tape controller
ctrl tm 017772520 0224 5

# The toy clock.
ctrl toy 017777526
#  set localtime yes
#  set offs_year 10
#  set settoy 12:30:00 12/31/74

# Plug in the memory board.
ctrl mem

# Plug in processor board
ctrl KDJ11A
  if defined(CSW)
    set csw $(CSW)
--- snip --- snip --- snip ---

Next create a 4096 byte file called qna.rom in
/usr/local/share/p11 filled with binary 0s as per
instructions in p11conf.

That's it.

Running p11

Invoke the emulator as `p11 -DBOOT=211` and you will
be presented with

--- screen output ---
# p11 -DBOOT=211
/usr/local/share/p11/p11conf,126: Booting 2.11BSD
173000 K -> 17773000 = 000005:	reset	
--- screen output ---

Then switch to another virtual terminal (vty) and
telnet into the p11 emulator on port 10000.

--- screen output ---
# telnet localhost 10000
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
--- screen output ---

Switch back to the p11 emulator vty and enter

--- screen output ---
@17773000g (without the @, that's p11's prompt).
--- screen output ---

And one more switch back to the 2.11bsd vty will
show you

--- screen output ---
Begemot boot PROM; V0.3
Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Begemot Computer Associates. All rights reserved.
--- screen output ---


--- screen output ---
boot>BOOT RP (again without "boot>")
--- screen output ---

and you will get

--- screen output ---
73Boot from xp(0,0,0) at 0176700
--- screen output ---

Hit enter, wait a little  and you will be greeted by

--- screen output ---
: xp(0,0,0)unix
Boot: bootdev=05000 bootcsr=0176700

2.11 BSD UNIX #11: Tue Jan 6 16:57:02 MET 1998
    root at pdp11.begemot.com:/usr/src/sys/HIPPON

attaching qe0 csr 174440
qe0: DEC DEQNA addr 08:00:2b:07:82:6c
attaching lo0

phys mem  = 2097152
avail mem = 1647872
user mem  = 307200

January 20 19:51:18 init: configure system

lp 0 csr 177514 vector 200 attached
rl 0 csr 174400 vector 160 attached
tm 0 csr 172520 vector 224 attached
xp 0 csr 176700 vector 254 attached
cn 1 csr 176500 vector 300 attached
cn 2 csr 176510 vector 310 skipped:  No CSR.
cn 3 csr 176520 vector 320 skipped:  No CSR.
cn 4 csr 176530 vector 330 skipped:  No CSR.
erase, kill ^U, intr ^C
--- screen output ---

That's 2.11BSD's single user console.

Configure 2.11BSD for networking

(Do yourself a favour and invoke tcsh).

You'll need to configure 


and invoke once `/etc/mkhosts /etc/hosts`.

To explain the entries in these files, I'll use
freebsd.home and as the hostname and
the ip address of the FreeBSD host system, pdp11
and as the hostname and ip address
of the 2.11BSD system on the p11 emulator. The
domain name for both will be home.


--- snip --- snip --- snip ---	localhost	freebsd.home	pdp11.home
--- snip --- snip --- snip ---


--- snip --- snip --- snip ---
#!/bin/sh -

#	@(#)netstart	5.2.1 (2.11BSD) 1996/11/16

if [ $INET = YES ]; then
	echo Assuming NETWORKING system ...		>/dev/console 2>&1
	echo Assuming non-networking system ...		>/dev/console 2>&1
export INET

# DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT RUNNING ROUTED ON A PDP-11!!!  Just set routedflags
# to "NO" and set up a default gateway below.

# myname is my symbolic name
# my-netmask is specified in /etc/networks
# my-default-address should be set to some machine where you
#	want to send all your packets, by default.


hostname $hostname					>/dev/console 2>&1
hostid $hostid						>/dev/console 2>&1

if [ $INET = YES ]; then
	# ifconfig imp0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
	# ifconfig en0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
	# ifconfig ec0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers arp >/dev/console 2>&1
	# ifconfig il0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
	ifconfig qe0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
	arp -s hippo 08:00:2b:07:82:00
	# ifconfig sl0 inet -arp -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
	# slattach /dev/ttyS6 9600
	arp -s 08:00:2b:07:82:6c pub
	arp -s 00:06:29:13:7a:18 pub
	ifconfig lo0 inet localhost up -trailers	>/dev/console 2>&1

	route add $hostname localhost 0		>/dev/console 2>&1
	route add default $default 1		>/dev/console 2>&1
--- snip --- snip --- snip ---


--- snip --- snip --- snip ---
localnet 127
home 192.168.0
--- snip --- snip --- snip ---


--- snip --- snip --- snip ---
domain home
--- snip --- snip --- snip ---

In /etc/netstart you need to set the arp entries
of both freebsd and pdp11 with their respective
ethernet mac addresses (pdp11's qe0 mac address
is set in p11conf). See /etc/netstart above.

Now don't forget to invoke `/etc/mkhosts /etc/hosts`.

After that (exit tcsh, if you were in and) exit csh
hitting .
The 2.11BSD system will go multi user and show you

--- screen output ---
# ^D
Fast boot ... skipping disk checks
checking quotas: done.
Assuming NETWORKING system ...
add host pdp11.home: gateway localhost
add net default: gateway freebsd.home
starting system logger
preserving editor files
clearing /tmp
standard daemons: update cron accounting.
starting network daemons: inetd rwhod printer.
starting local daemons:.
Mon Jan 20 20:27:36 PST 2003
Jan 20 20:27:36 pdp11 January 20 20:27:36 init: kernel security level changed from 0 to 1

2.11 BSD UNIX (pdp11.home) (console)

--- screen output ---

You login as root with password "begemot1" (without
the "").

--- screen output ---
login: root

Last login: Mon Jan 20 20:15:16 from freebsd
2.11 BSD UNIX #11: Tue Jan 6 16:57:02 MET 1998
[1] root--> 
--- screen output ---

Before you'll be able to network to freebsd, you'll
need to setup the tun device on its side. Switch
to a vty on freebsd and as root enter `ifconfig
tun0 freebsd pdp11 up`.

Go back to the pdp11 vty and try

--- screen output ---
[1] root--> ping freebsd.home
PING freebsd.home ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=40 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=40 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=40 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=40 ms
--- freebsd.home ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 40/0/40 ms
[2] root-->
--- screen output ---

Shutting down

To shut down pdp11 issue `halt`:

--- screen output ---
[2] root--> halt
Jan 20 20:29:12 pdp11 January 20 20:29:12 halt: -; halted by root
Jan 20 20:29:13 pdp11 syslogd: going down on signal 15
syncing disks... done
--- screen output ---

After pdp11 is halted you switch to the p11 vty and
issue "x" (without "")

--- screen output ---
000014 K -> 00123214 = 012767:	mov	#1,12456
[4   - kl]
@xDCOK = 1 asserted
--- screen output ---
The emulator returns you to the command prompt of
your FreeBSD system. 
There issue `ifconfig tun0 freebsd pdp11 down` to
delete the unneeded tun interface.


Explore which patches (if any) from ftp://moe.2bsd.com/
pub/2.11BSD are incorporated into this 2.11BSD distri-
bution. Maybe Steven can comment on this...

M. Giegerich, mail: migieger at vsnl.com, phone: +91.(0)80.5530154

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