[TUHS] networking on unix before uucp

John Cowan cowan at mercury.ccil.org
Sat Aug 23 05:24:47 AEST 2014

Larry McVoy scripsit:

> lmbench has one:

I have a similar library for Perl, taken from the Perl 4 man page.
(I finally got around to removing the &s from the procedure names.)
But the point is that it should work with the regular open() system
call, such that calling open("/dev/tcp/<host>/80", O_RDWR) should open
host "<host>" on port 80, and something like "serv(80, cookie)"
should copy a string into cookie such that open(cookie, O_RDWR) would
accept a connection.  Unfortunately, C makes it very hard to
override the meaning of global function names cleanly.

John Cowan          http://www.ccil.org/~cowan        cowan at ccil.org
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