[TUHS] Happy birthday, Morris Worm!

Norman Wilson norman at oclsc.org
Thu Nov 2 23:46:47 AEST 2017

Robert T Morris (the son who committed the famous worm) was an
intern at Bell Labs for a couple of summers while I was there.
He certainly wasn't an idiot; he was a smart guy.

Like many smart guys (and not-so-smart guys for that matter),
however, he was a sloppy coder, and tended not to test enough.

One of the jokes in the UNIX Room was that, had it been Bob
Morris (the father) who did it,
a.  He wouldn't have done it, because he would have seen that
it wasn't worth the potential big mess; but
b.  Had he done it, no one would ever have caught him, and
probably no one would even have noticed the worm as it crept

Norman Wilson
Toronto ON

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