stty erase '^?' in v7

Will Senn will.senn at
Sat Oct 14 15:03:04 AEST 2017

On 10/13/17 11:39 PM, Random832 wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017, at 22:59, Will Senn wrote:
>> Does anyone know why stty won't accept '^?' in v7? It will accept '^h',
>> but then the shell expects ^h to "backspace". I am trying to get the
>> delete key on my mac to do the backing up and it's '^?'. # isn't my
>> favorite since it's used in C programs, but pressing CTRL-h to backup is
>> a pain too. If you've read this far, I have three more questions:
> First, you'd need to remove it as the *interrupt* character, which I
> don't think the stty command in V7 can do, though the kernel supports it
> with TIOCSETC. Signal characters are processed before input control
> ones.
> #include <sgtty.h>
> struct sgttyb buf;
> main() {
> ioctl(1, TIOCSETC, "\3\34\21\23\4\377");
> gtty(1, &buf);
> buf.sg_erase = 0177;
> buf.sg_kill = 025;
> stty(1, &buf);
> }
> Also, it won't actually erase the character (unless your terminal
> interprets an echoed ^? that way - to my knowledge only putty does) -
> the crterase flag [and feature], which echoes space-backspace-space on
> erase was added later than V7.
Yeeha, I actually understood your answer :). I didn't know that the 
delete key served a purpose, interrupt, which is good to know. The code 
works, but it's odd without the backing up and erasing, I may just stick 
with # and @.
>> 1. How do you escape # in order to write a C program if # is the erase
>> character in the terminal?
> IIRC, it doesn't have effect on the first character of the line, which
> is enough for C. Looking through the TTY driver, it looks like there's
> code for backslash to escape it.
Great answer, didn't even cross my mind, but of course a # at the start 
of a line is ignored, the backslash is obvious in retrospect too.
>> 2. How do you enter a literal character in the v7 shell (I am used to
>> CTRL-v CTRL-DEL to enter the delete character on other unices)?
>> 3. Is there a way to echo the ascii value of a keypress in v7?
> You could probably put something together with stty raw, od, and sed q
> (head didn't exist in v7, and you need *something* to cut things off
> because ctrl-d won't work with stty raw), but it may be easier to figure
> out what all your keys produce outside of your classic unix environment.

I'll go with easier :).


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