[TUHS] Bell Labs data center in 1969/70.

Dave Horsfall dave at horsfall.org
Wed Mar 13 11:37:47 AEST 2019

On Tue, 12 Mar 2019, Clem Cole wrote:

> Very cool.  Takes me back when I used to do that ;-)  As CMU of us all 
> system programmers had to do shifts as operators.   The thinking was 
> that if we had do the crappy job too, we would fix things and not let 
> the bugs build.  FWIW:  I can not tell which model 360 it is.  I think 
> its a 65 or 67.  It's not a 91 nor a 40 or 50. 

One of the best unpaid jobs I ever did was being a student 360/50 operator 
on the night shift.  Boy, the stories that I could tell, such as card 
decks being sticky-taped together, paper tape stuck to the spool, etc...

And the time that I switched off the 029 keypunch printer to not print the 
"PRI=6" JCL, thereby screwing up the operator's disk schedule...  I got my 
deck back, unsubmitted, with the job card torn into a neat spiral.

I actually met him at a DECUS conference, and he was most amiable about 

And no, it doesn't look like a /50 console to me.

-- Dave

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