[TUHS] more about Brian...

Steve Nickolas usotsuki at buric.co
Fri Feb 4 19:16:02 AEST 2022

On Fri, 4 Feb 2022, markus schnalke wrote:

> You have to consider that each language is a child of its time;
> the culture of each programming language is shaped by the people
> who use it, write libraries and books and teach others.
> If you would introduce the C language today for the first
> time, it wouldn't become the same language that we like. Its
> libraries and culture would be very different because today's
> programmers are different. Likewise, would Go have been
> introduced in older times, it probably would have evolved
> differently.

Probably true.

> Thus, with liking the minimalist/powerful balance of C and the
> style of how programs in C are written (because that C culture
> has grown decades ago and is now also a part of the language)
> you actually say that you like the old times better than the new
> times. (I don't blame you for that.)

Could be that I cut my teeth on an 8-bit computer and did a lot of work on 
16-bit systems, so I'm used to working with limited RAM and CPU.

> This all is much more about culture and what types of people
> program and the reasons why they program and the kinds of
> projects they do and the kinds of companies and their motivation
> in programming and how all this shapes the culture of any
> language ... than it is about specific languages itself, IMO.

There is certainly truth to that.  And even human languages tend to adapt 
in culture-specific ways ("two countries divided by a common language" 
being a common joke about the US versus the UK, for example).


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