[TUHS] Found: 4.1BSD User's Manual Volume 2C Comb-Bound

Mary Ann Horton mah at mhorton.net
Fri Oct 20 00:27:32 AEST 2023

Now there's a trip down memory lane! I'm afraid this memory is lost to 
the cobwebs of my mind, but I'm grateful for the archival systems that 
keep the history.


/Mary Ann Horton/ (she/her/ma'am)
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On 10/16/23 21:00, Jonathan Gray wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 11:42:06AM -0700, Mary Ann Horton wrote:
>> My vol 2C is comb bound with the Bell logo on the front and back cover.
>> It matches what Matt describes below: Date November 1980, hand-written part
>> 55 (Curses) on TOC, Curses included.
>> I personally wrote "4.1 BSD Vol 2C" on the spine of my comb version, and
>> "4.1 BSD Vol 1" on the spine of the other comb bound, which were clearly a
>> set. (We were expected to use the V7 vol 2a and 2b, as they were not
>> changed.) Vol 1's title page is dated June, 1981". The preface of Vol 1 adds
>> 3 paragraphs beginning "This update to the fourth distribution of November,
>> 1980 provides support for the VAX 11/750 and for the full interconnect
>> architecture of the VAX 11/780. ..." This paragraph is not dated but would
>> seem to be from June 1981.
>> I don't recall who ran the set of manuals in Bell Labs, but it wasn't done
>> at Columbus. Someone was kind enough to send me a set.
>> I'm inclined to believe Matt is right about vol 2C not being updated except
>> by pencil and the Curses section.
>> Interestingly, I also have a "UNIX 3.0 Vol 1" comb bound manual with the
>> same style of cover, same personal spine label, probably done at the same
>> time, likely by the same group. I don't recall who but I'll speculate it was
>> someone at MH or WH. Possibly Brian Redman?
> You mentioned the manuals in:
> https://www.tuhs.org/Usenet/comp.unix.wizards/1981-December/000593.html
> "Inside Bell Labs, we have ordered a bunch of 4.1BSD manuals printed
> like our 3.0 manuals (6x9 with the plastic ring binders).  We haven't
> gotten them back yet (this is expected some time early next year) but
> if they come out like our 3.0 manuals they will be a total win.
> (The only disadvantage is that it's nearly impossible to add your own
> local pages.)  Cost seems to be (50,$2000), (100,$2000), (200,$2500)...
> When we get them, if they're good, I'll publicise the name of the print
> company (they're in NJ) and people can probably work out some kind of
> combined deal - the demand inside the labs was incredible (900 manuals)
> and since everybody in the labs runs the non-Berkeley version of UNIX,
> I expect the combined demand on the outside would knock down the price
> real quick."
> A scan of the 3.0 manual is on bitsavers:
> https://bitsavers.org/pdf/att/unix/System_III/UNIX_Users_Manual_Release_3_Jun80.pdf  (32M)
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