Yeah, that'd be great! I've heard it's v6 with lots of bsd.. But it'd
be cool to look at it!
-- Sent from my Palm Prē
On Mar 7, 2010 7:23 PM, Warren Toomey <wkt(a)> wrote:
On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 07:06:28PM -0500, Jason Stevens wrote:
> Seems to not include full source... I haven't gotten SIMH to boot the
> nor some of the... "interesting" Russian PDP-11 emulators.. I ran
> through the disks, and I got some basic header files, oddly all in English,
> but no kernel or system source code, just some Fortran example....
> I'll have to ask someone in Russia if they have any real solid leads on
> DEMOS... It seems that once the Soviet Union fell, everyone abandoned DEMOS
> for any of the BSD's...
I can put up a tarball of the stuff I have for you, if you want.
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