Hi All,
That's a BA23 in tower stand, aka a room heater.
The system looks like a Micro-PDP11/23 or /53.
The tape unit seems to be an old model TK50 (it
has no markings, which was standard for the old
units), the disk could be an RD-53, it has the
same alu frame. Other disks (RD54) are full-metal,
or smaller (RD31, 32, 20).
The buttons on the front panel seem to be just 4,
not 6. The original Micro-11 (aka 11/23) had 4,
because it could handle only a single disk (the
10MB disk RD50); the newer systems had two extra
buttons (online and WP) for a second disk.
So... looks like a Micro-11[/23] with larger than
standard disk (RD53)and the original TK50 tape.
On the back panel we only see the bulkhead for the
system-standard DZV-11 4-port async module, of
which ports 0 and 1 (console and aux, resp) are
in semi-fixed mode.
PS: for people in NL; I have a few 11/53 systems
left... :)
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