Dear PUPS/TUHS members,
About three hours ago I have released 4.3BSD-Quasijarus0, the latest release of
4.3BSD-*. This release has the 4.3-Tahoe userland and a kernel that supports
all hardware supported by CSRG's Tahoe and Reno releases, including KA630 and
KA650 MicroVAXen.
You can find 4.3BSD-Quasijarus0 under Distributions/4bsd/43quasi0.vax in the
PUPS archive. It is by far the newest system in the archive, compiled only a
couple of days ago.
I haven't got around to implementing a standalone disk labeling facility yet,
so installing it on a typical MicroVAX with third-party MSCP disks is still a
little bit of a challenge. While working on building this release, I and Tim
Shoppa have come up with a usable solution to this disklabel problem. It
appears in Distributions/4bsd/tips/QTR_disklabel_note. This approach also works
with VAX builds of CSRG's Tahoe and Reno releases (QTR stands for Quasijarus,
Tahoe, and Reno).
Have fun with it!
Michael Sokolov
Cellular phone: 216-217-2579
ARPA Internet SMTP mail: msokolov(a)harrier.Uznet.NET
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