Converting Sixth Edition man pages

Greg Lehey grog at
Tue Dec 29 18:19:09 AEST 1998

On Tuesday, 29 December 1998 at 19:14:38 +1100, Warren Toomey wrote:
> In article by Greg Lehey:
>> I have the Sixth Edition man pages on my machine, but I can't do much
>> with them, since they use obsolete macros.  Is there any way to
>> convert them to the Seventh Edition style?
> My off-the-cuff suggestion is to read the man(7) pages for both V6 and V7,
> and write a Perl script to make the changes :-) That's probably the `best'
> solution, but would take time.

perl?  What's perl?  :-)  But yes, that was one alternative, one I
hadn't thought worth the trouble.

> Do you want to preserve the markup, or just want to view the manpages?
> Just viewing them would be easier, of course!

In fact, I'm not sure that just viewing them *would* be easier.  From
observation, the markup isn't too different from the -an macros.  A
lot of the macros seem to be the same, just in a different case.  But
there are enough differences that I wouldn't want to tackle it right

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