[pups] jove editor under 2.11BSD and cursor keys

Johnny Billquist bqt at softjar.se
Mon Jan 5 09:59:42 AEST 2009

Walter F. Mueller wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm using the jove editor under 2.11BSD, the jove release is
> from 1988. It works just fine, except for the cursor keys.
> Even though the ansi-codes function is properly bound,
> 'ESC x describe-bindings' shows:
>      ESC [  ansi-codes
> I get whenever I hit one of the cursor keys the message
>      [ESC O unbound]
> TERM is set to vt100, termcap is ok, and the xterm used is
> started with -ti vt100. vi for example works and accepts the
> cursor keys, a dump of the chars emitted by xterm show that
> the proper \[[A ect sequence indeed arrives.
> Any help or hint on how to get this to work is very much
> appreciated.

Please note the difference between "<ESC>[" and "<ESC>O"... :-)

To give you a little more help: someone or something is changing your 
terminal to have application cursor keys.
(And to point out what should be obvious now: your cursor keys can 
actually send two different kind of codes, depending on a setup parameter.)


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