On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 05:22:55PM +0000, Ralph Corderoy wrote:
Hi Grant,
wondering if there is a better way to generate
the output from
the code in a way that respects TERMinal capabilites.
tput setf 4; date; tput sgr0
See terminfo(5).
(BTW, I don't think the question is worthy of TUHS.)
To make this a bit more TUHS-focused, was there anything that had
similar functionality which pre-dated Bill Joy and termcap in late
(I'll note that in recent years, most people seem to have not bothered
with terminfo, given that all the world's a Vax^H^H^HSun^H^H^HLinux
^H^H^H^Hxterm. :-)
- Ted