From: Charles Anthony
Entry points are usually defined as
"foo$bar", where "foo" is the
segment name, and "bar" an entry point in the segment symbol table. I
believe that the degerate case of "foo$" is treated as "foo$foo" by
So I'm curious about how this, and additional names, interact. (For those who
aren't familiar with Multics, a segment [file, sort of] can have multiple
names. This is sort of like 'hard links' in Unix, except that in Multics one
name, the "primary name" is very slightly preeminent. See here:
page 2-5, for more, if you're interested.)
So if I have a segment with primary name 'foo', and additional names
'bar' and
'zap', and I say 'zap' to the Multics shell, I assume it does a call
zap$zap, which finds the segment with the primary name 'foo', and calls the
'zap' entry therein?
Multics rulez; UNIX droolz
Dude, you clearly have Very Large brass ones to send that to this list! :-)